mardi 14 juillet 2009
For Lead Violations, 9 Companies are Fined (as Little as 1 Cent Per Toxic Toy)
This is the title, as written by the CPSC. That's true. Sounds good. But how is that paid for these companies made toys, imported, distributed or sold to parents, without realizing that these products were toxic to their children?
In most cases, not much. Of course, these companies pay to recall, replace and return the items, leading to a loss, no doubt (on the assumption that many toys are sold never returned for a refund, even after the withdrawal was announced). Fortunately, they have learned the lesson. Perhaps they were put out of business through the process. Probably not.
Lead exposure can cause permanent brain damage, behavioral changes, learning and a variety of other health problems. What should be put at risk children at a cost of the benefits of a company? The CPSC said that these companies informed trafficked lead laced toys.
The following companies have been fined (Mattel and Fisher-Price was fined at a cost of $ 2.56 on toys toxic):
Cardinal Distributing Co., Inc., Baltimore, Md.
$ 100,000 for the importation of 900,000 children charm necklaces and bracelets in India
Fine for Toxic Toys: 11 cents
Dollar General Corp., of Goodlettsville, Tenn.
$ 100,000 for importing 63,000 cups of Frankenstein, 380,000 small cars and 51,000 pairs of sunglasses for children manufactured in China
Toxic toys Fine: 20 cents
Family Dollar Stores Inc., of Matthews, N.C.
$ 75,000 to import 142,000 Halloween pails made in China
Toxic toys Fine: 53 cents
Hobby Lobby Stores Inc, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
$ 50,000 for the importation of 10,000 Halloween theme baska 13,000 Easter eggs and novelties in China
Fine for Toxic Toys: $ 2.17
First Learning Company Ltd, Hong Kong
$ 50,000 for the production of Hong Kong, 11,400 soldiers and 15,000 wooden door train
Fine for Toxic Toys: $ 1.89
Michaels Stores Inc. of Irving, Texas
$ 45,000 to distribute 310,000 writing pens made in China
Toxic toys Fine: 15 cents
A & A Global Industries Inc. of Cockeysville, Maryland
$ 40,000 for the production of 4 million bracelets made in China
Fine toxic toys: 1 cent
Raymond Geddes & Co., Baltimore, Md.
40.000 $ 84.200 for the distribution of pencils made in China
Fine for toxic products of the Child: 48 cents
Downeast Concepts, Inc., of Yarmouth, Maine
$ 30,000 to distribute 18,000 bottles of water
Fine for Toxic: $ 1.67
Why Biofuels Burned Up (Your) Dollars
In response, investors and taxpayers have paid millions of dollars in corn ethanol. Yields have been poor.
This at least is the conclusion of a new report from the Worldwatch Institute Red, White and Green: The Transformation of U.S. biofuels. The sad news is that it does not seem to have learned much from our sad experience with corn ethanol, and unless things change in Washington, we will record more.
"From an environmental perspective, ethanol from corn has not delivered in terms of climate," said Alice McKeown, an author of the report.
Worse, we can repeat the problems once again the so-called new generation of biofuels. The sorghum, below.
A field of sorghum.
Both science and the economics of biofuels are complex, McKeown said by phone today, after reading 50 pages of the report, which provides a useful overview. It's easy to find people who say exactly the amount of corn ethanol reduces emissions of greenhouse gases, if any. (It depends on how and where maize is grown, and how to feed the ethanol refineries, among other things). There is also much debate about the impact of corn ethanol on food prices. (Remember the tortilla riots in Mexico in 2007.) There is currently a debate raging in Washington over whether the increase in demand for corn is produced by biofuels are the origins of other farmers to convert forest lands for food or cultivation of biofuels.
The study says:
Of particular concern is the link between the expansion of biofuels and the conversion of land for agriculture, as competition with crops for biofuels forests and food crops for limited land and other resources.
The ethanol industry hates the idea that it could be held responsible for what is known as the indirect effects of land use of ethanol from corn. You can read the blog of Tom Zeller, Kate Galbraith blog, the New York Times' Green Inc., for more details about this controversy, to be debated in Congress this fall.
Despite these uncertainties. There are certain things we know about corn ethanol. On the one hand, we know that the ethanol industry was built with massive public subsidies - 45 cents per gallon credit for production with a renewable fuel standard (RFS) mandate will require the production of biofuels to 36 billion in 2022, such as import tariffs on imports of ethanol from sugarcane in Brazil. Rates persist despite the fact that Brazilian ethanol is cheaper to produce and better for the environment. The fact that the presidential campaigns after the Iowa caucus has been very, very good for the corn ethanol industry.
Government support is the only reason that the industry is moving, "says McKeown." Otherwise, it would not pay. "While much of the industry not to survive the combination of higher maize prices, declining oil prices and the credit crisis. Last October, VeraSun, the second largest ethanol producer, declared bankrupt. So far in 2009, ten ethanol production plants went bankrupt, including those operated by Aventine Renewable Energy and Pacific Ethanol, according to Zacks.
"When it is considered a mature industry that does not need government support?" McKeown asked.
Moreover, while about one third of the corn grown in the United States this year will be used to transport fuel, ethanol provides about 10 percent of these fuels is not enough to save the United States much closer of energy independence, according to the Worldwatch Institute.
However, ethanol from corn is not far away in the near future because the mandate of government in each year of cliques. Under the mandate, to 15 billion gallons of biofuels a year failed to meet newly imposed standards of sustainability if they are provided by existing facilities. "It's 15 million mandate will probably be met by corn ethanol," says McKeown.
While we are moving slowly to the so-called new generation of biofuels such as cellulosic ethanol or fuel made from algae, what can we learn from the experience of ethanol from corn? The Worldwatch Institute has three recommendations to be reasonable:
1. Base tax credits for ethanol and biodiesel in performance, with fuel to achieve further reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases are eligible for support.
2. Review the mandate for renewable fuel standard to ensure that it will promote second-generation biofuels instead of supporting first-generation biofuels.
3. Ethanol lower or eliminate tariffs on imports of fuels that meet sustainability criteria.
Put simply, do not provide services funded by taxpayers with no tangible benefits.
Strolling in Venice Beach.
The problem is the next generation of biofuels has been slow in coming. And if a lot of money the government is on track to accelerate its development - the Ministry of Energy has committed $ 385 million for six cellulosic ethanol plants, according to Worldwatch - there is no guarantee of not creating environmental problems in their own, especially if adapted to a large scale.
My take? For all the promise of biofuels (and, indeed, electric cars), we must not neglect the less glamorous action that will undoubtedly result in environmental benefits. Support public transportation, by one. (Metro Washington DC, I walk, it is literally falling before our eyes.) Driving smaller, more efficient cars. Work from home. Bicycling.
Or walk - that costs nothing, improves your fitness, reduce their dependence on foreign oil, generate zero emissions of greenhouse gases (other than the food they need to fuel your body) and does not require the support of Congress
mercredi 8 juillet 2009
The great McNugget caper: McDonald's is ripping you off
The Golden Arches is a bit of sleight of hand in the way the prices of their McNuggets. Best optical illusions, the truth is right before their eyes, but most of us have never noticed.
Depending on where you live, your seeds cost money if you are on the Dollar Menu. Each quarter. Get 10 and pays about $ 4, or 40 cents each. Spring for the entire 20-piece meal, and the price is over $ 7, or 35 cents a song bird.
If you really want 20 pips (and I remember that chickens really do not produce seeds in nature) has bought five orders Dollar Menu and you can save two dollars. Two men! Most of us assume that most of the options and menus are available, because they offer economies of scale. Obviously, this is a Kroc.
As soon as I heard about this, I went to a Mickey D's to see if the scam is true everywhere. It is not easy to collect, so to speak, because any comparison of McDonald's darker dimensions dispersed in several locations across the table menu. Sometimes the low-cost options are not displayed in the menu, which prevents customers know the price, unless the secretary to ask before ordering.
In fact, near the McDonald's gives me a better value for the four coins (45 cents) than did the six parties (47 ¢). At this time, however, the biggest prizes were offered a better deal: 36 cents for each piece of 10 or 29 cents per 20-colossal in the room. However, since the six-meal size is probably the most often classified into four pieces, I can not stop thinking that my quick McDonald's is ready to extract more money from the Most Popular fried dish.
Also observed a Burger King and Wendy's. Burger King has adopted, with nuggets of value on it, but it came. Wendy's, however, is not conclusive. Despite offering a five-piece for the equivalent of 28 cents each, to sell me a box of 10 pieces unless I bought it as a meal with fries and a drink.
Jennifer 8. Lee, octo-known writer of the New York Times, said the scam. Has a clear eye for an inauthentic menus, which recently published a compendium on the history of Americanization of the kitchen china.
Come on, Ronald. I'll have to make a calculator for the subway next time? I can see now why the Hamburglar turned to a life of crime.
mardi 7 juillet 2009
Should Congress investigate why oil is nearing $70 in a recession?
Is it time for Congress to investigate systematically the futures market for oil? Market absolutists not cry, but the surge in oil prices $ 70 a barrel in the middle of the worst recession in the United States Since 1982, the first global recession since the Second World War and 10 years of high levels of inventory claims to the contrary . After reaching a record high of $ 147.27 per barrel during the frenzy of investment and trade in 2008, oil prices collapsed with the emergence of the United States after the recession and the implosion of the financial crisis, the last of which took many hedge funds and investment funds from oil futures market to buyers. Prices have dropped to a low of nearly $ 35 in December 2008. Historically, $ 30 is a high price of oil In addition, it is important to note that while oil prices collapsed, $ 35 is still, historically speaking, the price of oil, which has averaged $ 25-30 a barrel in current dollars, more of the last 150 years. In addition, many experts expect oil prices to recover slowly in 2009. United States reduced demand for gasoline in most of the last 12 months on a weekly basis. Emerging markets demand growth - an important factor in the rise of oil prices in 2003-2007 - has been low, and the world began recording its second consecutive drop in global demand for oil. However, the gradual increase in oil prices does not occur: instead, the price of oil has skyrocketed over the past six weeks, essentially doubling in a very short time, in macro - economic. Oil bulls say that the futures market of oil, as the stock market is likely that in oil prices, demand conditions six to nine months, where investors and traders make sense in a recession the United States and better international economic environment, and the implied increase in global demand for oil, and rising oil prices accordingly. According to this theory, to $ 70 (or more) the price is justified given the likely evolution of economic conditions. However, analysts of the oil industry, among others, are more and more investment funds, citing as the main reason for this increase. "These are funds that are driving the market higher," Jonathan Kornafel, director for Asia of options trader Hudson Capital Energy in Singapore, told Bloomberg News on Friday. "When everybody reads the same report and the conclusion is the same, then you will have the market moving in one direction. The general trend is that the weak dollar and oil to go to get stronger. " Or in other words, if she is not sure many investors buy oil futures as an alternative - a normal deployment of capital in the open market, and it is a great friendly (except of the speculator or hedger) if you invest in the future of oats or cotton, clearly economist Peter Dawson. However, if the largest asset base - one in which the developed world, and now, much of the developing world - economy depends, in terms of price - the deployment of capital that could become a concern, especially when it is concentrated, Dawson said DailyFinance. At least in theory, the sector concentration of institutional investors in May artificially inflate the price of a quality far beyond what supply and demand determine normal - in fact, severely distorting its price. "There is no need for conspiracy or collusion to occur. Just concentration," said Dawson. "The concentration is sufficient to cause a bubble in prices, and the U.S. housing sector is one example. There is no "conspiracy" because the median U.S. home prices to match the dizzy heights, but they do take place, and the bubble formed by the merging of actors, in the case of housing A large number of buyers because of the availability of subprime loans. " Moves the tail the dog? Dawson said he wants to continue to price in the markets, particularly oil, "but what could happen now is not the price, but" pack mentality. "The U.S. Congress," said Dawson, is expected to begin officially, long-term study on the relationship between the rise in trading futures and oil prices, "and if the systematic study of tens of thousands of new players in oil futures has led to higher prices have been under similar conditions to the offer and demand, with players missing. " The oil market today - if prices do not moderate in the coming months - is also able to exhibit the characteristics of the border on "The Twilight Zone," said Dawson. "The problem with the activity of the future, it is pushed prices so high that if one is at a price of $ 60-70, instead of slowing consumer spending and business Crimp budgets to the extent that economic recovery will be injured, "said Dawson. "And if so, the company's future will result in the elimination of the economic recovery that led to the purchase of oil futures in the first place. And when one thinks of this type of market behavior is so absurd and irrational, a point of view of economic development. " Economics: Oil has vaulted quickly to levels thought possible, given the excess inventory and demand of the tibia. The weak dollar has played a role, but the dollar has fallen by 10-15 percent during the passage of oil to nearly $ 70 - hardly enough to explain the price increase. As economist Dawson, the view from here, said Congress should investigate the relationship between the number of players, and oil futures, oil prices. |
Health Insurers Own Tobacco Stocks Worth Nearly $4.5 Billion
The greatest investor of snuff on the list, the 160 years of Prudential company with branches in the United States and the United Kingdom, has more than $ 1.5 billion invested in the stock of snuff. Second place went to Toronto-based Sun Life Financial, which reportedly has over $ 1 billion of Philip Morris (Altria) and other snuff products stocks. In total, seven companies that sell life, health, disability or long-term care insurance, holdings of stocks have snuff.
Why is it important? "If you have one billion dollars [stock snuff], then you do not want to see it go down," Himmelstein said, "You are less likely to join coalitions to fight snuff to pass the anti - The snuff, for the most part, while most companies in the health wishing to participate in "
Sun Life Financial has denied that a balance of snuff, a claim Himmelstein delicately called a lie.
It's just another thing to keep in mind this summer that Congress debate whether we can maintain the confidence of private health insurers in search of our interest.
lundi 6 juillet 2009
10 things gas stations won't tell you
1. "Good luck finding the best deal."
When it comes to gas prices, most stations are branded -- meaning the name of a major oil company hangs out front -- and must buy gas from their proprietary company. They can't shop around.
With a lock on sales, the oil companies charge each station a different price depending on various factors, such as the station's competition and its location. That means a station might have to pay a lot more than one down the street, and that cost gets passed along to you.
Faced with such instability, Gainesville, Fla., resident Steven King plans ahead: "If I know I'm going out of town, I try not to buy gas, so I can fill up after I leave." King says he can save 10 cents a gallon by purchasing gas on the road. You'd be similarly wise to shop around because with prices constantly in motion, the cheapest gas may not be at the same station every time.
2. "I hate it when gas prices go up."
Stations earn, on average, 10 to 15 cents on a gallon of gas. Ironically, they earn the least when prices are highest. When fuel climbs, gas stations usually must shrink their profit margins to remain competitive, meaning they earn less per gallon.
But another big cost during tough times is something they can't do anything about: credit card fees, which add up to about 2.5% of all purchases. When gas is at, say, $2 a gallon, stations pay credit card companies 5 cents a gallon; when gas hits $3, that fee becomes 7.5 cents, at least half of the stations' average profits.
"Those credit card fees are miserable for the gas station business," says Mohsen Arabshahi, who owns five Southern California stations.
How do station owners make up for lost revenue? "Prices go up like a rocket and come down like a feather," says Richard Gilbert, a professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley. For several weeks after wholesale prices drop, stations can earn as much as 20 cents a gallon before retail prices are lowered to reflect the change.
3. "My gas isn't better for your car; it's just more expensive."
Oil companies spend lots of money explaining why their gas is better than the competition's. Chevron's gas, for example, is fortified with Techron, and Amoco Ultimate is supposed to save the planet along with your engine. But today, more than ever, one gallon of gas is as good as the next.
True, additives help to clean your engine, but what the companies don't tell you is that all gas has them. Since 1994, the government has required that detergents be added to all gasoline to help prevent fuel injectors from clogging.
State and local regulators keep a close watch to make sure those standards are met; a 2005 study indicated that Florida inspectors checked 45,000 samples to ensure the state's gas supply was up to snuff, and 99% of the time it was.
"There's little difference between brand-name gas and any other," AAA spokesman Geoff Sundstrom says.
What's more, your local Chevron station may sell gas refined by Shell or Exxon Mobil. Suppliers share pipelines, so they all use the same fuel. And the difference between the most expensive brand-name gas and the lowliest gallon of no-brand fuel? Often just a quart of detergent added to an 8,000-gallon tanker truck.
4. "If you're smart, you'll put that debit card away."
Your debit card might be a convenient way to pay for gas, but it's a no-win proposition. When you swipe a debit card at the pump, the bank doesn't know how much money you'll be spending until you've finished pumping. So to make sure you have the funds to cover the purchase, some stations ask banks to automatically set aside some of your money: That amount can be $20 or more. That means even if you just topped off your tank for $10, you could be out $30, $50 or even $100 until the station sends over its bulk transactions, which can take up to three days. If your funds are running low, you might end up bouncing a check in the meantime, even though you had the money in your account.
Unfortunately, paying inside with your debit card isn't much of a solution either. Many banks charge their customers 50 cents to $1 for the privilege of using their debit card in any PIN-based transaction. The American Bankers Association estimates only 13% of consumers pay these fees, but critics say the practice is on the rise and that consumers are often unaware of these charges.
5. "Don't even consider applying for our gas card."
When it comes to gasoline credit cards, a little research goes a long way. The good deals are great, but the bad deals are really bad. Similar to store cards issued through retailers, gas cards are riddled with drawbacks, says Curtis Arnold, the founder of Annual percentage rates are high, starting above 20%; many don't offer rebates on gas purchases; and they often lack standard protections such as fraud monitoring and zero liability for unauthorized transactions.
What about a Visa or MasterCard affiliated with a gasoline brand such as Exxon or BP? They often offer lower interest rates and significant rebates but limit your ability to shop around. In December 2005, a few months after gas hit $3 a gallon, Justin Andringa of Minneapolis considered a branded credit card that came with a 15% rebate on gas purchases of that brand. But the rebate was temporary; he decided to stick with the card he had, which then offered a 5% rebate on gas purchases no matter where he bought it.
"I'm a college student," Andringa says. "I need to save money."
The deals on cards are constantly changing. is a good place to find updated information.
6. "Looking for the cheapest gas in town? Try the Internet."
You can't actually buy gas online, but Web resources can help you find the cheapest fill-up in town. Among them, and Gaswatch.infohelp people track pump prices. More comprehensive is, which includes a network of 174 local sites, complete with maps and message boards that tally gas price by ZIP code.
"People are frustrated by the variation in the price of gas," says co-founder Jason Toews, and they're using the Internet to take control.
It has worked wonders for Sue Foust. Every day, as she passes roughly 10 stations on her commute across Tucson, Ariz., Foust notes their prices, then posts them on, a local affiliate of
Every four days or so, when she needs to fill up, she checks the prices others have posted in her area. It turned out the Shell station she used to frequent is one of the most expensive in the city. Now she fills up elsewhere. "I really do feel like I'm saving money," she says.
7. "It's a gallon when I say it's a gallon."
It's hard to know whether you're getting all the gas you paid for at the pump. But in some places there's a very good chance you're not. State or county authorities check pumps for accuracy, but in some areas it can be years between inspections. Arizona, for example, has only 18 staff members to check the state's 2,300 stations.
That means stations there can expect a visit once every three to four years, according to Steve Meissner, a spokesman for the Arizona Department of Weights and Measures. In 2005, 30% of the more than 2,000 complaints the department received were valid, and it levied $167,000 in fines. The good news is that it's often easy to catch the most common problem: Older pumps in poor repair may begin charging you for gas before you've pumped it. Check the meter to make sure it registers $0.00 before you begin and doesn't start charging you before the fuel is flowing.
8. "I might gouge you on a soda, but my coffee's a real bargain."
With margins on gas taking a hit -- in 2006, fuel sales made up 71% of revenue but only 34% of gross margins -- stations are increasingly looking to their convenience stores for income. Given that fact, you'd assume the average Kwik-E-Mart would be a terrible place to buy just about anything. But that's only partly true.
Stock that usually sits on the shelf does tend to be vastly overpriced, so if you forgot ketchup on the way to a barbecue, you can bet you'll pay a lot more for it at a gas station than you would at a supermarket, says David Bishop, the director of convenience retailing for Willard Bishop Consulting. What about popular beverages? You'll pay more for a 20-ounce soda at a gas station than you would for a 2-liter bottle in a supermarket; water and energy drinks similarly tend to have high markups.
But there are bargains to be had: Some high-volume goods, such as cigarettes and beer, are often competitively priced at gas stations. And a cup of coffee goes for a fraction of what you'd pay at Starbucks.
9. "If you're having car trouble, you're in the wrong place."
The days of the local gas station staffed with a skilled mechanic have all but come to an end. Most station owners have swapped car lifts for beverage cases and carwashes, or anything else that brings in a high-volume stream of income and traffic, says Dennis DeCota, the executive director of the California Service Station and Automotive Repair Association. The more people who pull over for a soda, the greater the chance they'll top off their tank and vice versa, the thinking goes. Few owners want the hassle of a business such as car repair, even if it earns the same amount of money as a convenience store.
In addition, repairing cars is increasingly expensive, and the ill will and potential liability from a fix-it job gone wrong are more of a headache than many owners are willing to risk. Today a service station can require $100,000 worth of diagnostic equipment -- a significant investment. It's a risky venture with little payoff, says Southern California station owner Arabshahi. In fact, Arabshahi removed the service station from one of his locations after he bought it.
"I don't have a service station because I am not a mechanic," he says. "If he messes up a job, then it's my name on there."
10. "You might not need regular gas to run your car."
Cars run on gasoline, but not all cars need traditional gasoline to run. In fact, 6 million cars on the road today (mostly from U.S. manufacturers and built since 1998) are "flexible fuel" vehicles that can run on E85, a fuel that is 85% ethanol and only 15% gas.
When Minneapolis resident John Schafer bought a car in late 2001, he chose aChevy Tahoe because it's a flexible-fuel car. Since then he's filled up almost exclusively with E85. The big difference he's noticed: about 15% fewer miles to the gallon. But it's a drawback he's willing to put up with.
"I'm committed to the technology," Schafer says. "With E85, it burns cleaner, so it won't pollute as much."
Although E85 generally costs less than regular gas, there is some concern that it may grow prohibitively expensive as demand outpaces supply: By 2006, ethanol was being used more than just in E85; it also composed 15% of every gallon of gas sold. Supplies of ethanol are likely to grow thin, which could drive up the price of E85. And even die-hard Schafer says he won't buy E85 if it starts to cost more than gasoline.
Finding a Good Scrap Gold Buyer
As with all commodities, gold price fluctuates according to variables such as availability, demand and market forces. May these include the political stability of producing countries or (instability makes the metal harder at the mine, causing the value to increase worldwide because of the absence or limited availability), fashion trends or environmental factors. Consequently, the price of scrap gold can vary considerably from one day to another, the first thing to do is watch the market data. This should be available on site or any site where new financial oversight for investors.
These are looking around and found that buyers of scrap gold price close to market value. As in for-profit companies, it is unlikely that you will get the total value of the gold market. Each buyer must make a profit on their scrap gold, so they pay below market value, but then sell the full value of gold. This does not mean that you are "bitch" in any way - it is simply how the market works. The gold price in world market varies but is usually around $ 920-980/oz but not the price in search of guidance. The price guide gives the most accurate assessment of the value of scrap gold are the values of the scrap. These vary depending on the purity of gold. 9ct gold is not as pure as 22ct, so obviously have a lower value of the scrap. Take into account the quality of your note or when looking at the price of scrap.
The easiest way is to sell scrap gold online. The process is relatively simple and can turn unwanted gold jewelry and other objects of a rapid injection of cash. Instead of taking their items to a main road, the jewelry, the easiest option is to contact companies that offer to buy gold online (but compare prices before selecting one). Sent a "kit" includes a pre-paid and insured envelope can be used to send the waste into gold for themselves and for instructions on how to do it safely.
The kit contains documentation for requesting a complete description of the gold which is sent to the broker. The golden rule when using these kits to sell your scrap gold is to make copies of all parts of the documentation so that you signed and dated proof that you sent your note to society. The pre-paid envelope will be insurance to cover your paper or in transit. Make sure that the coverage provided corresponds to the value of content and if you need a higher level of contact with the insurance company directly to arrange alternative transport or increased insurance premiums. Once the company received the value of the gold and send you a check.
Sale of scrap gold is a good way to make some money unwanted or broken jewelry, but before you choose your dealer do your homework first. Make sure you are fully aware that the market price and use it as a basis for judging the dealership that gives you the best price for scrap gold.
Who Claim Free Government Grant Money - Cash You Never Pay Back
He is free of government subsidies that people can complain, but most of the 80 billion dollars in funds are not for personal use, so to speak. These funds are available for most small business owners, students and community development. If you start a business or thinking about returning to school, what luck. Otherwise, you may have a little trouble finding what you want.
There are a variety of grant programs provided by government and private foundations. The fellowship includes veterans, subsidies to help pay medical bills, subsidies for housing and transportation, and even grants for minorities and single mothers. Although these funds exist, most do not. You'll have to do a little digging through the provision of guidelines for these funds.
Once you find programs that can help you with your needs, will soon realize that this time of May have been well spent. In general, a grant application does not require a credit check, payment or security. This is because the money is allocated is tax-free and repayment is not required. That's why many people hire professional grant writers to help them claim more money as possible. Cash should not be reimbursed.
Grant money from the Free State can be found by searching a directory of the current grant. By accessing these online resources, people may be able to find thousands of dollars that never be repaid
samedi 4 juillet 2009
steve mcnair dead
Former NFL quarterback Steve McNair: 1973-2009. (AP Photo)
Here is a link to the story in the Tennessean, a statement which was also identified the woman was found dead on the scene in a downtown condominium.
Gun violence - and violence - are difficult problems in this country and McNair's death, at age 36, is another sad reminder.
It is disturbing to recall now that McNair was arrested for illegal possession of weapons in May 2003 when a 9 mm pistol was found in his car when it was shot during a drunk driving sentence d.
McNair will be best remembered for the conduct of the Titans to their only Super Bowl in 2000, when its last phase of the liquidation proceeds of hunting inches below a game winner against the Rams touchdown when Kevin Dyson was tackled to the finish line with time expired.
McNair also was co-MVP of the NFL with Peyton Manning in 2003. And, yes, was a pioneer among black Quarterbacks in professional football, as shown in this Baltimore Sun story after his retirement from the Ravens in 2008.
Mike Freeman of McNair recalls in this column as a kind of class you always wanted to know how you were doing instead of vice versa.
Less remembered is the fact that it was a very good athlete who will be chosen by the Seattle Mariners in the 35th round of 1991 as a short-Mount Olive High School in Mississippi.
RIP, Steve McNair, another who died too young.
mercredi 1 juillet 2009
Propofol (diisopropylphénol) is an intravenous general anesthetic of short duration of action for induction of general anesthesia in adult patients or children over 3 years for maintenance of general anesthesia in adult and pediatric patients over 2 months and for sedation in ICU / resuscitation for adults intubated and mechanically ventilated.
Propofol is approved for induction and maintenance of anesthesia in over 50 countries. Very hydrophobic, the commercial preparation is in the form of emulsion.
The anesthetic acts about 5 minutes is also used in emergency departments to ease the small surgical interventions requiring general anesthesia (GA). (In February 2007 only two emergency department in a public health use in France). For example, a person who suffered a dislocated hip prosthesis in the wake of a false move will be anesthetized by propofol to replace the prosthesis in the cavity: we perform surgery in general anesthesia in patients in a during only a few minutes.
Mode of action
The most likely Propofol exerts its anesthetic activity by binding to GABAA channels. The activation of these channels leads to an overall reduction in the excitability of the brain and by a poorly understood mechanism, involves general anesthesia.