mercredi 1 juillet 2009


Propofol (diisopropylphénol) is an intravenous general anesthetic of short duration of action for induction of general anesthesia in adult patients or children over 3 years for maintenance of general anesthesia in adult and pediatric patients over 2 months and for sedation in ICU / resuscitation for adults intubated and mechanically ventilated. 
Propofol is approved for induction and maintenance of anesthesia in over 50 countries. Very hydrophobic, the commercial preparation is in the form of emulsion. 
The anesthetic acts about 5 minutes is also used in emergency departments to ease the small surgical interventions requiring general anesthesia (GA). (In February 2007 only two emergency department in a public health use in France). For example, a person who suffered a dislocated hip prosthesis in the wake of a false move will be anesthetized by propofol to replace the prosthesis in the cavity: we perform surgery in general anesthesia in patients in a during only a few minutes. 
Mode of action 

The most likely Propofol exerts its anesthetic activity by binding to GABAA channels. The activation of these channels leads to an overall reduction in the excitability of the brain and by a poorly understood mechanism, involves general anesthesia.

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